“My boys love to eat crickets,” Jolie said. “It’s their favorite thing… When I first gave it to them… I wanted them to not be turned-off by something that wasn’t (part of) their culture. So I bought them… and they ate them like Doritos.”
If you gross out easily you might not want to read this next part...
On the same type subject but off the celebrity topic. I'll never forget the most insane thing I've ever watched. Waaay back in the day they had a slew of these movies called Faces of Death. I think you can find clips of them online here and there. Anyway, one of the tapes (yes, it was so long ago I watched it on VHS) A group of people in some weird ass country, I can't remember where... all sat around a table with cover bowl in the center. When the cover was lifted it showed one terrified little monkey, with his head strapped into the hole. Around the table the "participants" had place settings complete with little hammers. They all took turns beating the monkey in the head (while the poor thing screamed) until his skull broke open, then they scooped out the brains onto a plate and ate them.
True story.